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Zivatara Impex is comprised of professional mandates & intermediaries in the field of metals, minerals, agricultural and energies commodities. We provide a personalised, considered and developed level of service which guarantees a better solution for our clients. We source genuine products, from genuine sellers, for genuine buyers. We source genuine buyers, for genuine sellers. We effectively bridge the gap between end buyer and supplier, eliminating risk and unethical trading practices. We operate only with trusted sources and verified suppliers. Generally our position in the transaction is directly with sellers and buyers, however we are pleased to collaborate with serious and experienced global intermediaries. All procedures and terms are specific, secure and defined to International standards. We also invite established and professional suppliers worldwide to approach us about developing a mutually beneficial mandate relationship.

Our acquired sources of supply are both reliable and reputable. We distinguish ourselves, through the extensive range of metal and mineral commodities we work with working closely with suppliers globally throughout the multitude of metals and minerals. We trade alumina (Al2O3), iron ore, copper, limestone, cement, urea, coal, charcoal, granite and marbles. We are committed to providing the highest quality and standard of products, and with our promise of honesty and integrity in every part of the process. Our strict policy is to offer only what is available from reputable sources.
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